
Thursday, 21 May 2009

About us

Hello and welcome to The Obscuritan, a blog dedicated to Anthropology, Folklore, The Occult and general Religious topics. As you can guess by the title, this Blog will be dedicated to winkling out the delicious nuggets of information from the dusty recesses of the obscure.

What Topics will you be covering?
Topics will cover a wide range of areas, from tribes to gods to monsters to rituals. Generally Cool Stuff(TM), in other words. If you'd like to suggest a topic area, then get in touch via theobscuritan@googlemail.com and i'll take it under advisement.

When can I expect updates?
Starting June 2009, we shall be taking on a new theme each month, and will post 3-4 articles on that theme. These themes will be in no particular order, but once a pattern emerges, they'll be tagged, ordered and easy to access. We tried for an article a week, then had to fall back to 3 a month, then that fell through too. Real Life, sadly, sometimes encroaches. Therefore the articles will simply come when they come.

Will you be sticking to Blogspot?
The blog currently has its own Twitter account for updates and an email account, both of which can be used to get in touch with us here. We're also working on a Delicious account with links relevant to the articles we post, but since that's a sub-project of a project we're working as much as we can on already, that might be a while off yet. Real Life and all that.

Who are you?
The Obscuritan is currently an undergraduate Anthropology Student at a (reasonably) reputable UK university. Between cups of tea and slices of toast, he spends his time burrowing around the back corners of libraries, and trying to trick his Lecturers into letting him write essays on Death Goddesses and Spirit Cults. In other words he is -*Shock, horror*- a student who loves his work.

Our Motto
Truth hides on the very next shelf...

Will you be my Mommy?

As you just read, I'm a Student. I will do my best to keep this running regularly but on certain occasions I'll have to go on hiatus in order to revise etc. Also, for those that aren't liable to have guessed this already, this means you should double check anything and everything here before quoting it in a paper or anything else official. I'll source what I find as much as I can, but I won't accept any responsibility if you get in trouble because I turned out to be wrong. M'kay?
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